All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (2024)

Gardening in Wizard101 is one of the main side activities of the game. It may not be an easy task to start, but it surely is rewarding. One of gardening’s main elements are its spells. These gardening spells are specifically to be used while your wizard is tending to plants in their castle. For an introduction to gardening, take a look at our beginner’s guide.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (1)How do I obtain a gardening spell?

Unlike regular spells you use in combat, you won’t be needing any training points to obtain gardening spells. These spells are purchased for gold from specific vendors spread throughout the different worlds of the Spiral. Each vendor has a different set of spells for you to learn, allowing you to grow and better take care of your garden.

Currently, there are 45 gardening spells you can learn spread over seven different spell trainers. We’ll take a look at each of the vendors below. However, it is worth remarking that learning all 45 spells won’t be anywhere close to cheap. Luckily, you won’t really need to learn all the below spells. I suggest you pick the ones you really need for your garden and the type of plants you grow.

On the other hand, if you are interested in a challenge, you will need exactly 2,692,100 gold to learn them all.

What can I do with gardening spells?

Obviously, gardening spells are used to help you grow plants in your castles. However, there are different types of these spells that will help you do different things to your gardens. These spells will also be separated in tabs for each type when looking at them through your spellbook (P) or when using them in your castle (G). Let’s take a look at the basic types.

  • Soil Spells used to create plots in the outside of your castle (and inside for some few specific castles) so seeds can be planted on them instead of pots.
  • Growing Spells – used to tend to plants through their journey from seed to elder. These plants deal with all five general needs plants might manifest – sun, rain, pollination, magic and music.
  • Pest Spells – used to remove pests or prevent plants from being attacked by any pests. They are designed to deal with pests of different ranks ranging from rank 1 all the way to rank 7.
  • Utility Spells – there are currently only six different spells in this category that are way different than others. The most common use they have is manipulation of the plant at different stages like Plant All, Second Spring, and Hasty Harvest 1.

Gardening Spell Sources

  • Quest Spells
  • Farley in Wizard City
  • Charley in Krokotopia
  • Marley in Mooshu
  • Harley in Celestia
  • Narley in Zafaria
  • Roger the Shrubber in Avalon
  • Barley in Khrysalis
  • Treasure Cards

Quest Spells

These four spells are obtained for free simply by completing the gardening quest “Green Acres”. This quest is offered by Moolinda Wu at level 12 and starts your entire gardening tutorial with Farley in the Wizard City Golem Court.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (2)

Small Soil

  • Rank: N/A
  • Gold Cost: N/A
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates a small plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (3)

Medium Soil

  • Rank: N/A
  • Gold Cost: N/A
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates a medium plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (4)


  • Rank: N/A
  • Gold Cost: N/A
  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Removes a plant or plot.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (5)


  • Rank: N/A
  • Gold Cost: N/A
  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Revives a single dead plant.

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Farley in Wizard City

Farley is located in the Wizard City Golem Court area. He’s the NPC that carries you through the gardening tutorial at level 12. Gardening spells offered by Farley are the starter spells you will need to begin ranking up. And as some good news, they cost very little gold.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (6)

Warming Rays

  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a single plant with Sun.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (7)


  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a single plant with Rain.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (8)

Worker Bee

  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a single plant with Pollination.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (9)

Touch of Magic

  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a single plant with Magic.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (10)

Flute Solo

  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a single plant with Music.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (11)

Bug Bolt

  • Rank: 1
  • Gold Cost: 100
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 1 pests from targeted area.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (12)

Gusty Winds

  • Rank: 2
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 2 or lower pests from targeted area.

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Charley in Krokotopia

The second gardener you’ll encounter is Charley in Krokotopia’s Oasis. He is located on the left side before entering the pyramid. His spells are slightly more advanced and will help you tend to more plants in your garden thanks to a medium sized target range.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (13)

Streaming Sunlight

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a medium sized area with Sun.


  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a medium sized area with Rain.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (15)

Bee Team

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a medium sized area with Pollination.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (16)

Bold Magic

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a medium sized area with Magic.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (17)

Flute Duet

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 1,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Provides a medium sized area with Music.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (18)

Large Soil

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 3,000
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates a large plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (19)

Deep Freeze

  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 3 or lower pests from targeted area.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (20)

Enchanted Small Soil

  • Rank: 4
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates a small enchanted plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (21)

Summon Pixie

  • Rank: 10
  • Gold Cost: 175,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents any pests from attacking this plant by summon a Pixie for the next 48hrs.

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Marley in Mooshu

Marley will provide us with the bread and butter spells for gardening. You will find him in the common vendor area as soon as you leave the sprial door chamber and enter the Jade Palace. These spells target a large range allowing us to have a huge stacked garden. Apart from that, many of the spells he has can also be purchased from Harley in Celestia. The (*) symbol identifies these spells.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (22)

Brilliant Beams*

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a large sized area with Sun.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (23)


  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a large sized area with Rain.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (24)

Bee Swarm*

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a large sized area with Pollination.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (25)

Grand Magic*

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Provides a large sized area with Magic.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (26)

Flute Ensemble*

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 5,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Provides a large sized area with Music.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (27)

Enchanted Medium Soil

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 10,000
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates an enchanted medium plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (28)

Pest Bomb*

  • Rank: 4
  • Gold Cost: 12,500
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 4 or lower pests from targeted area.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (29)

Enchanted Large Soil*

  • Rank: 6
  • Gold Cost: 15,000
  • Spell Type: Soil Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Creates an enchanted large plot to plant seeds on.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (30)

Fly Swatter*

  • Rank: 5
  • Gold Cost: 25,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 5 or lower pests from targeted area.

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Harley in Celestia

If you’ve already visited Marley in Mooshu, you won’t find a huge selection here as they both offer most of the same spells. However, this one spell still remaining will come in very handy as it is the first pest spell that prevents pests rather than just killing them. Harley is located in the Celestia Base Camp right next to Prospector Zeke.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (31)

Pungent Bug Spray

  • Rank: 10
  • Gold Cost: 10,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 1 pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.

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Narley in Zafaria

Two more pest prevention spells for the win! Locate Narley in Savannah’s entrance to get your hand on these spells. However, make sure to being plenty of gold as this is where gold costs start to sky rocket.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (32)

Pest Zapper

  • Rank: 2
  • Gold Cost: 75,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 2 and lower pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (33)


  • Rank: 3
  • Gold Cost: 150,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 3 and lower pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.

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Roger the Shrubber in Avalon

Roger the Shrubber is not simply located somewhere you can just visit like the other vendors. You will first need to achieve gardening rank 10 to unlock the side quest “There’s the Shrub” from Sumner Fieldgold in Caliburn. Apart from that, you also need to complete the main quest “Queen of Light took her Bow” in Avalon. Completing this will lead you to Roger in Caliburn where he will sell some extremely expensive gardening spells. Rewarding, no?

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (34)

Putrid Bug Spray

  • Rank: 10
  • Gold Cost: 175,000
  • Requires: Pungent Bug Spray
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 1 pests from attacking a huge range of plants for 96hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (35)

Miniature Bloodbats

  • Rank: 12
  • Gold Cost: 200,000
  • Requires: Dragonflies
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 4 and lower pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (36)

Plow All

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 200,000
  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes all same type of soil plots that currently have no plants.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (37)

Second Spring

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 250,000
  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Makes an elder plant appear younger.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (38)

Plant All

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 300,000
  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Plants all of the same type of seed at once.

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Barley in Khrysalis

Another NPC locked behind a side quest. Barley will only be able to sell you his gardening spells once you complete the entire questline of “Bring the Green” in Khrysalis. As you can imagine, this is also locked after a gardening rank. You will both need rank 15 and to complete the main quest “Uneasy Allies” in Khrysalis. This will eventually lead you to Barley in the Silent Market where he will sell even more expensive spells. Happy gardening!

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (39)

Itsy Bitsy Spider

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 50,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank 6 or lower pests from targeted area.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (40)

Ant Lion

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 75,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Removes any rank pests from targeted area.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (41)

Solar Flares

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 125,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents plants from having any Sun needs for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (42)


  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 125,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Effect: Prevents plants from having any Water needs for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (43)

Bee Hive

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 125,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents plants from having any Pollination needs for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (44)

Growzone Layer

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 125,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: No
  • Note: Available as a pet card from Spirit of the Forest
  • Effect: Prevents plants from having any Magic needs for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (45)

Wind Chimes

  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 125,000
  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents plants from having any Music needs for 48hrs.

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (46)


  • Rank: 15
  • Gold Cost: 300,000
  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Available as Treasure Card: Yes
  • Effect: Prevents rank 6 and lower pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.

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Treasure Cards

Besides the above spells that are denoted as available as treasure cards, there are a handful of spells that we haven’t covered yet. These spells are exclusively available as a treasure card. This means that they can’t be trained for gold like all of the above which is a pity, since most of them are quite useful.

Common treasure card sources even for some of the above spells include:

  • Aphrodite II – Gold Skeleton Key Boss in Graveyard, Darkmoor
  • Farley’s Gardening Pack
  • Pandamonium Hoard Pack
  • Ultra Plants
  • Bazaar – auctionable treasure cards can be sold and bought
  • Housing Interactable Items – Aberrant Carnivorous Plant in Botanical Gasrdens and more…

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (47)

Supreme Sunburst

  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Effect: Provides every plant on the outside or inside of a castle with Sun.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) + Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens) + Pandamonium Hoard Pack + Farley’s Gardening Pack

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (48)


  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Effect: Provides every plant on the outside or inside of a castle with Rain.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) + Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens) + Pandamonium Hoard Pack + Farley’s Gardening Pack

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (49)


  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Effect: Provides every plant on the outside or inside of a castle with Pollination.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) + Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens) + Pandamonium Hoard Pack

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (50)

Uncanny Magic

  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Effect: Provides every plant on the outside or inside of a castle with Magic.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) + Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens)

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (51)

Flute Symphony

  • Spell Type: Growing Spells
  • Effect: Provides every plant on the outside or inside of a castle with Music.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor)+ Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens) + Pandamonium Hoard Pack

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (52)

Baby Sunbird

  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Effect: Prevents rank 5 and weaker pests from attacking a large range of plants for 48hrs.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) +Farley’s Gardening Pack

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (53)

Massive Pest Zapper

  • Spell Type: Pest Spells
  • Effect: Prevents rank 2 and weaker pests from attacking a huge range of plants for 96hrs.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Aphrodite II (Gold Key Boss – Graveyard, Darkmoor) + Aberrant Carnivorous Plant (Housing Item in Botanical Gardens)

All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (54)

Hasty Harvest 1

  • Spell Type: Utility Spells
  • Effect: Grows a mature Beastmoon seed to elder instantly.
  • Auctionable: Yes
  • Source: Beastmoon Hunt Event + Beastmoon Seeds

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What do you think of the gardening spells in Wizard101?
Is there a new spell you’d like to see?
Let us know in the comments!

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All Gardening Spells in Wizard101 - Final Bastion (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.