An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student (2025)

Skillshare might not have a course on “How to Enjoy Learning” (although this one comes pretty close), but if you’re seriously considering using their online platform to acquire new knowledge, then you’ve likely already developed this important life skill.

Michael Karnjanaprakorn and Malcolm Ong are the godfathers of Skillshare, having created the platform while living in New York in November 2010. The platform has evolved into what we see today: A thriving marketplace for learners and teachers. It has been steadily making its mark as the go-to digital platform for elective online learning since its inception over 10 years ago.

We took Skillshare for a spin with a Premium access trial and can’t wait to show you what we found. Read on to find our comprehensive—and honest—review of Skillshare, updated for 2023.

Table of Contents

What is Skillshare?

Skillshare is a digital platform designed to connect students (you!) with online courses taught by real-world experts, creators, entrepreneurs, and professionals. It’s built to teach anyoneanything.

Course subjects span the gamut but typically revolve around sharing desirable creative and entrepreneurial skills. You can find classes like securing your WordPress siteorhow to paint fantasy woodlands in watercolor. All it takes is a quick search of their database to find a course built to teach you what you want to learn. If you’re not exactly sure where your curiosities are taking you, users can browse courses via predetermined categories on the site. These are always growing and changing together with the course content and include the following mind-bogglingly long list in 2023:

  • Creative:
    Animation, Drawing, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, 2d Animation, 3D Animation, 3D Design, 3D Modeling, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Art, Calligraphy, Character Design, Cinematography, Comic Art, Concept Art, Copywriting, Creative Writing, Design, Digital Illustration, Digital Painting, Digital Photography, Editing, Fashion, Figure Drawing, Film Production, Fine Art, Hand Lettering, Handwriting, Lettering, Lifestyle Photography, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Music, Music Production, Painting, Pattern Design, Photo Editing, Photo Retouching, Photographic Composition, Portrait Photography, Product Design, Publishing, Sketching, Sketchup, Storytelling, Street Photography, Surface Pattern Design, Typography, UI Design, UI/UX Design, UX Design, Vector Graphics, Video Editing, Videography, Voice Over, Watercolor, Web Design, Writing
  • Business:
    Entrepreneurship, Freelance & Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Marketing, Productivity, Accounting, Bitcoin, Blogging, Branding, Business Analytics, Content Marketing, Data Visualization, Finance, Management, Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, Project Management, Public Speaking, SEO, Social Media Marketing
  • Technology:
    Data Science, Game Design, Mobile Development, Product Management, Web Development, Blockchain, CSS, Game Development, HTML, HTML5, Javascript, Product Management, Programming, Web Development, WordPress
  • Lifestyle:
    Crafts, Culinary, Gaming, Health & Wellness, Languages, Baking, Cooking, Embroidery, Fashion Design, Flower Arranging, Interior Design, Jewelry Design, Knitting, Makeup, Pattern Making, Screen Printing, Sewing, T-Shirt Design

As you can see from these categories, the creative courses dominate on Skillshare (and I would say that most of the “lifestyle” categories could just as easily be labeled “creative”). If you find these categories a bit too much, Skillshare also narrows things down for you and lets you also browse by just 16 subcategories under the the headings of “Create,” “Build,” and Thrive.

But regardless of what you are looking for, since there are thousands of Skillshare courses to choose from, chances are high that you’ll find a relevant course for your knowledge gap.

Note that in 2022, Skillshare also launched Learning Paths to help you select among the huge variety of courses on the platform. These are curated collections of high-quality courses on popular topics. As of 2023, the number of topics covered is still quite limited at only 60+, but they are still regularly adding more, and the list of current learning paths is a good place to start your exploration of Skillshare.

Are Skillshare courses accredited?
Many users wonder, “Are Skillshare courses accredited?” The answer is no—since Skillshare is neither a school nor college, none of their courses will earn you “certificates” in the same way that other learning institutions can underwrite your accomplishments.
Courses on Skillshare are in general produced by individual creators, and while there is in theory nothing stopping them from seeking accreditation with external bodies for their courses, I have never seen this in practice.For those who are, in fact, seeking accredited online courses, you should consider checking out other e-learning platforms such as CourseraoredXinstead of Skillshare.

Most Popular Skillshare Courses

To give you a better idea of what is being offered on the platform, here is a list of some of the most popular courses on the platform at the time of writing:

  • Digital Illustration for All: Discover, Cultivate and Share Your Unique Personal Stylewith Laci Jordan
  • Writing The Truth: How to Start Writing Your Memoirwith Mary Karr
  • Character Animation Basics: Create a Dance Loop with After Effects and Photoshopwith Bee Grandinetti
  • with Brandon Woelfel
  • with Emma Gannon
  • Fun With Faces: Create a Stylised Digital Portraitwith Charly Clements
  • Style Your Space: Creative Tips and Techniques for Interior Designwith Emily Henderson
  • Mastering Color: Simple Steps to Create Vivid Artwith Victo Ngai
  • Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Workswith Thomas Frank

With over 6,000 “teacher contributors on Skillshare,” there is a lot of talent on the platform that is vying for your attention. This includes many who are otherwise not widely known but who feel they have an important skill to share with others. But it also includes some particularly notable experts who are sharing content on the platform, including:

  • Marc Eckō—entrepreneurship and brand creation
  • Young Guru—audio mixing and recording
  • Jessica Hische—lettering
  • Guy Kawasaki—entrepreneurship
  • Paula Scher—graphic design
  • Yuko Shimizu—inking and drawing techniques

In 2023, Skillshare has also increased the production of their own original content, partnering with leading creatives. These are invariably of high production quality – the substantive content is also good for the vast majority of them – and you will not find these anywhere but on Skillshare. The offerings are still quite limited at the time of writing, with about 700 out of the more than 30,000 being Skillshare Originals, but it is worth keeping an eye out for these when choosing which courses to follow. We’ve recently reviewed several of these, including:

  • How to Get Published: A Step-by-Step Guide to Submitting Your Writing” by Rachel Mindell
  • ” by Nick Sambrato
  • Introduction to Wearable Technology: Make an LED Blink” by Sara Chipps
  • Instagram Essentials: Build Your Brand, Grow Your Community” by Scott Bakken
  • How to Live Online: 5 ways to shape your digital world” by David Poglar
  • Decorative Letterforms: Creating a Hand-Drawn Alphabet” by Annica Lydenberg

How does Skillshare Work?

An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student (1)

Self-Paced Courses

Skillshare members get instant access to the platform’s course catalog. There used to be such a thing as a free membership that gave you access to a subset of courses, but this has been discontinued (and replaced with a free 30-day trial that gives you access to everything). All you need to do is conduct a search for your target skill to find dozens, sometimes hundreds or thousands, of related courses to choose from.

For instance, a quick search for “painting” classes yields over 6,000 results in 2023. You can easily refine your search with the built-in platform filters based on the following factors:

  • Whether a course is a Skillshare Original or a Staff Pick
  • Course difficulty (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced)
  • Course length (How in-depth do you want your training to be? Do you prefer courses that are less than 15 minutes in length ormore than60 minutes long?)
  • How old is the course? Was it recently published? Are the tips still relevanttoday?

Once you’ve found a class that piques your interest, you can assess course quality by reading both its “About” section and reviews from past students. Clicking around to the “Discussions” or “Project & Resources” will give you a clearer picture of course contents and expectations. If it’s a good fit, you can get started immediately by simply starting to play the videos of the course.

Accessing the courses is very convenient. You can keep your courses in your pocket via your phone or fire them up in your workspace from your laptop. Because Skillshare classes are pre-recorded, you canlearn on your own time, at your own pace.No more class interruptions from Full-Of-Questions-Timmy or Constantly-Cracking-Jokes-Tommy.

Thanks to the offline feature in the app, you can also easily take your learning on the road – very helpful for commutes with shaky internet connections and similar

Thanks to the “Discover” feature on the mobile app, you can get personalized recommendations based on your course participation and search history. This is a great feature if you’re hungry to learn but you’re not quite sure whatyou want to learn just yet.

A note on live courses on Skillshare
Note that there used to be Skillshare Workshops that grouped courses into packages that were taken on a specific schedule alongside other students. This was followed by the launch of live Chroma Courses in 2021. However, these were both discontinued and as of 2023, neither of these features are available any more.

Pro tip: Get Ideas in the Student Projects

Visual learners might consider browsing course options by viewing the Student Projects (previously the “Project Gallery”) in your Skillshare account. Here, you can see actual examples of completed work by other Skillshare members, as this photo gallery quickly displays the “final results” of others’ class selections and personal learnings. If you want, you can filter the gallery by Trending, Most Recent, and Top Voted projects, not to mention similar categories from the site’s “Course Browse” functionality.

When you come across an image that captures your ideal project outcome, click on the image to learn more details not only about the creator, but also the actual course they took to create such a masterpiece!

There used to be a “Groups” feature in Skillshare, which allowed you to connect with other learners in topic communities, but as of 2023, the Student Projects is the main way in which to connect with other students (which is a bit of a pity, as it excludes some of the less creativity-focused topics).

An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student (2)

Review of Skillshare Pricing & Costs

No Skillshare review is complete without talking about the bottom line, so let’s get to it. Skillshare used to have a free membership with a range of free courses but has replaced this with only a paid membership and a one-month free trial.

Skillshare’s premium membership, which gives you access to the full catalog of 30,000+ courses, costs $32 per month if you pay monthly, or $168 for a full year if you choose to be billed annually ($14 monthly). To get 30 days of premium membership for free, use our Skillshare link.

My Review of Skillshare Courses

An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student (3)

My honest Skillshare review? They knock it out of the park for me in a few big ways. First, the courses are botheasy to find and easy to match my goals. The provided course descriptions, reviews, and project outlines help me understand quickly whether or not the course will meet my needs.

The courses arebroken up into “chapters” as short videos, which means I can easily replay parts of the course where I feel I have more to learn. This ease of jumping back and forth between content helps me get the most out of the course.

The Skillshare dashboard is a wealth of inspiration. Given that most classes are short on Skillshare, the ability to quickly navigate to my saved lists of classes, see courses my favorite teachers are facilitating, and even view what’s hot across the platform—becomes important to stay motivated and inspired to learn new things.

Thedrawbacks of Skillshareare essential to consider and why I awarded the platform 4.2 out of 5 stars.Although they have been making strides in this regard in the last two years or so, the platform also has weak quality control for instructors, putting the responsibility on us, as members, to assess our options more thoroughly. This is added work that the platform could alleviate with only a few changes.

The Advantages (Pros) of Skillshare

These are main benefits of Skillshare:

  • New and varied content
  • Easy to use all around
  • Free trial available
  • Skillshare mobile app available

New and varied content

The sheer amount of new content that is added to the platform weekly is enough to keep even the busiest of brains engaged. Whether you want to pick up a new skill to make your resume shine, restyle your home, or master a hobby “just for the hell of it,” you can easily find dozens of opportunities to level up your repertoire. Further, Skillshare’s payment plans for teachers means that there’s no shortage of excellent instructors creating new and high-quality content regularly.

Now, if only there was more time in the day to learn it all!

Easy to use all around

It took me all of 5 minutes to create my account, log in, browse for content I’m interested in, and find a course that fits the bill. I was diving deep into my first course in less than 20 minutes, eager to find even morecontent to devour.

Kudos to Skillshare for making an easily navigable desktop AND mobile platform and for including a start/stop functionality that syncs across devices.

Between the ability to “favorite” great teachers and save Skillshare classes to personalized lists, not to mention the Discovery section of the Skillshare app, I am never for want of new material to learn. And the fact that I get to learn on MY schedule makes Skillshare the equivalent of the 100 emoji.

Free trial available

Skillshare offers free Premium trials, giving new students a chance to “try before they buy”. You can always access aSkillshare free trial from their website. The cancellation is of a single-click, no questions asked variety.

Skillshare mobile app available

You can access Skillshare from your computer/ laptop via itswebsite, or from your tablet/phone thanks to theSkillshare app. The best part? You can sync your progress in your selected Skillshare courses across all devices, be it your computer, phone, or tablet, as well as use an offline mode to learn while one the run.

The Disadvantages (Cons) of Skillshare

These are the primary disadvantages of Skillshare:

  • Not every teacher ROCKS
  • No free courses outside of the trial

Not every teacher ROCKS

The varied quality of instructors can be a continual challenge on your way to knowledge gain. Since being able to teach effectively is a hard-won skill in itself, it would be naive to believe that every instructor on the platform excels at the basics of teaching.

A good quality indicator is the number of students a course has hosted, as higher numbers tend to correlate with higher-quality instructors. However, this isn’t always the case—some courses are just niche enough not to appeal to the “masses” anyway.

Skillshare has greatly improved on this issue, however, with its curated Learning Paths, as well as the possibility to filter your search results for staff picks.

No free courses outside of trial

The free courses offered via Skillshare used to be one of our favorite features of the platform, and they will be greatly missed. The longer free trial makes up for it for students who used the free courses to figure out whether to go for the Premium subscription. But for more casual learners who just wanted to follow a (non-premium) course now and again, they will have to look to other platforms for a free option.

Conclusion: is Skillshare Worth it?

The chance to learn for learning’s sake is reason enough for me to soundly proclaim that Skillshare is worth it. The hands-on projects and ability to connect with others, including experts in your desired fields of knowledge, makes the $14 a month fee a bargain. The onus is on YOU to determine which courses would bring you the most value, whether you aim to bolster your resume with sparkling competitive skills or assert yourself as a professional hobbyist.

Skillshare members can gain much more than just new skills from the courses. You’ll fall in love with learning again, meet motivated and skilled peers that will challenge and inspire you, and may find yourself addicted (nay, obsessed!) with gaining knowledge.

Add a line item to your annual budget for Skillshare access. Your brain will thank you for it!

Special offers from Skillshare:
Get 30% off of a Premium Skillshare Membership
Test Skillshare for free withno-questions-asked cancellation: 30-day free trial

An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student (2025)


An Honest Skillshare Review (2023): Is it Worth the Money? - E-Student? ›

Skillshare: Our Verdict (2023)

Is it worth paying for Skillshare? ›

Ultimately, paying for a Skillshare subscription will be worth it for some people and not for others. But with thousands of courses to choose from -- and a free trial -- there's no real downside to testing out the platform to see if it's right for you.

Do Skillshare certificates mean anything? ›

Skillshare now offers class certificates. These are more than just a piece of paper; they're proof of your commitment and new skills, potentially a great addition to your resume or portfolio. These certificates detail everything from the course name and teacher to the issue date and a unique ID.

Is Skillshare free for students? ›

50% off one year of membership for college & university students. Get 50% off a Skillshare membership with a valid student address.

How much does Skillshare review cost? ›

After the trial, a monthly membership is $32 per month, and the annual Premium membership is $168 for the year (which breaks down to roughly $14 per month). You can also look into volume discounts for teams or discounts on products like Squarespace and Todoist Premium when you sign up for Skillshare.

What are the disadvantages of Skillshare? ›

Is Skillshare Recognized/Accredited? Perhaps Skillshare's largest downside is that it is not recognized, accredited, or credentialed. So while you will learn from industry leaders and professionals, you will not receive a certificate or anything shareable. But you may be able to produce a great portfolio.

What is better than Skillshare? ›

The best overall Skillshare alternative is Pluralsight Skills. Other similar apps like Skillshare are LinkedIn Learning, Udacity, Codecademy, and Khan Academy. Skillshare alternatives can be found in Online Course Providers but may also be in Technical Skills Development Software or Learning Experience Platforms (LXP).

Should I put Skillshare on my resume? ›

Yes, you can put Skillshare on your resume. Many students wonder if you can put your resume in Skillshare. The answer is you can add your Skillshare skills to your resume. I'll explain the learning solutions Skillshare offers for career opportunities and why this experience is a must for your cover letter and resume.

Is Skillshare or masterclass better? ›

If you're looking for a more affordable option with a broader range of courses, Skillshare may be the better choice. However, if you're interested in learning from celebrity instructors and want a more immersive learning experience, Masterclass may be the way to go.

Can you get a degree with Skillshare? ›

Many students love Skillshare's online learning platform because of its wide array of online classes. While this online platform doesn't have online courses providing certificates of completion, the valuable skills you can learn will help you make a career transition.

How much does Skillshare cost 2024? ›

Advantages of Skillshare

Another advantage of Skillshare is the cost of subscription. The platform offers a low-cost subscription plan compared to other e-learning platforms. The subscription fee is $168 annually, which is equivalent to $13.99 per month.

Do you have to pay for every class on Skillshare? ›

When you join Skillshare, we provide the entire range of classes where you can engage through communities, projects, and more! Your membership includes access to thousands of classes, and you are able to cancel your membership at any point.

How to learn on Skillshare for free? ›

You can get started for free when you join with a Skillshare membership. *Cancel before the free trial ends to avoid being charged. All memberships will be billed automatically on a recurring basis until canceled.

Is Skillshare recognized? ›

Skillshare is an online learning community based in the United States that provides educational videos. The courses are non accredited and are only available through a paid subscription.

Can you cancel Skillshare after a free trial? ›

You can cancel at any time you want and renew your membership if you decide to return. If you started your membership or signed up for a free trial on our website, you'll need to visit from a desktop or mobile web browser to cancel your membership.

Is Skillshare hard to cancel? ›

If you signed up for a free trial on our website, you'll need to visit from a desktop or mobile web browser to cancel your membership. If you signed up via Google Play or iOS App Store, please contact the respective app store directly.

Can I use Skillshare on my resume? ›

Yes, you can put Skillshare on your resume. Many students wonder if you can put your resume in Skillshare. The answer is you can add your Skillshare skills to your resume. I'll explain the learning solutions Skillshare offers for career opportunities and why this experience is a must for your cover letter and resume.

Will Skillshare help me get a job? ›

Yes, you can get a job from Skillshare classes. There are many kinds of Skillshare jobs you can land after studying. However, you must be willing to work hard and progress your skills to meet your desired career requirements. I'll explain how to get a job with Skillshare classes and what in-demand skills you can gain.

Is Skillshare good for beginners? ›

Skillshare is an Editors' Choice pick for online learning services. While Skillshare is a fun place to feed your brain, it might not have the kinds of courses you're looking for. If you're after inspirational words and advice from people at the very top of their fields, MasterClass is better.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 5313

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.