Balancing Modern and Traditional Methods of Parenting in Nigeria (2024)

Last Updated on June 30, 2023


Parenting is an essential aspect of Nigerian culture and society. Parents are expected to play a crucial role in raising their children to become responsible adults. However, the rapid modernization of Nigerian society has resulted in a clash between traditional and modern parenting methods.

The concept of balancing modern and traditional methods of parenting refers to finding a way to incorporate the best practices of both approaches. Modern parenting techniques focus on creating a nurturing environment that fosters positive attitudes, creativity, and strong family ties. Traditional parenting techniques, on the other hand, emphasize discipline, respect for elders, and cultural heritage.

This blog post will explore the challenges of balancing modern and traditional methods of parenting in Nigeria. It will discuss the impact of globalization, changing cultural norms, and technology on parenting styles. The post will also offer practical tips and strategies for parents to successfully navigate this challenge.

The purpose of this blog post is to encourage parents to examine their parenting practices critically and to adopt new methods that incorporate the best of both traditional and modern worlds. By doing so, parents can raise confident, responsible, and culturally grounded children who can navigate the complexities of the modern world.

The Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

Traditional Nigerian parenting methods are deeply rooted in culture, religion, and society. These methods closely follow the traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation and are still widely practiced today. They are often seen as an effective way of raising children in the Nigerian culture.

Overview of Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

The traditional Nigerian parenting methods are built on the values of respect, discipline, and obedience. Parents often adopt a stern and authoritative approach to raising their children, with physical discipline being widely accepted. These traditional methods are often seen as a means of instilling discipline, obedience, and respect for authority in children from a young age.

One of the core aspects of traditional Nigerian parenting methods is that the onus is on the child to obey their parents at all times. Children are expected to defer to their parents’ judgment, and this is mirrored in the way discipline is administered. As a result, the disciplining of children is often seen as an essential aspect of parenting, and parents who fail to do so are often criticized and frowned upon.

Explanation of the Influence of Culture, Religion, and Society on Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

The influence of culture, religion, and society cannot be overstated when it comes to traditional Nigerian parenting methods. In Nigeria, the family is the bedrock of society, and the family unit is often seen as the cornerstone of Nigerian culture. As a result, parenting in Nigeria is heavily influenced by cultural, religious, and societal values.

Culture plays a critical role in shaping Nigerian parenting methods. In Nigerian culture, respect for elders and authority figures is paramount. Therefore, parents are seen as the ultimate authority in the family.

The influence of religion, particularly Christianity and Islam, is also significant in Nigerian parenting methods. Religious teachings emphasize obeying one’s parents and respecting authority figures, which are key values in traditional Nigerian parenting methods.

Society also plays a crucial role in shaping Nigerian parenting methods. The Nigerian society places a premium on discipline, obedience, and respect for authority. These values form the foundation of traditional Nigerian parenting methods. As a result, parents who fail to instill these values in their children are often seen as neglectful parents, and their children as undisciplined and wayward.

While traditional Nigerian parenting methods have their benefits, there are also some drawbacks. The emphasis on physical discipline can be viewed as excessive and even harmful to children. Additionally, some parents may be resistant to adopting modern parenting methods that are more mindful of a child’s emotional needs.

In fact, the key to balancing modern and traditional approaches to parenting in Nigeria is to find a middle ground that incorporates the best of both worlds. Parents should strive to maintain the values of discipline, respect, and obedience while also being mindful of a child’s emotional needs and personal growth.

Read: How to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children in Nigeria.

Modern Nigerian parenting methods

  • Modern Nigerian parents have embraced various parenting methods adapted from Western cultures.
  • Their new approaches to parenting are shaped by globalization and westernization.
  • Modern Nigerian parenting methods have similarities and differences when compared to traditional Nigerian parenting.

Modern Nigerian parenting techniques continually evolve, influenced by Western cultures due to globalization, media, and migration.

Parents engage in open communication, support their children’s choices, and prioritize creative and intellectual development. They actively participate in their children’s education, including homework, for future success.

Some adopt a nuclear family system instead of the traditional extended family approach. Positive reinforcement shapes behavior, and technology aids in entertainment, education, and skill development.

Despite similarities to Western parenting, modern Nigerian parents maintain respect for elders, cultural values, and discipline.

They preserve traditions through festivals, dressing, and language, blending cultural practices with contemporary methods. While influenced by Western culture, technology, and globalization, cultural values and traditions guide modern Nigerian parents to raise respectful, disciplined, and culturally aware children.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

Advantages of Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

  • Kids learn respect for elders and authority figures at a young age.
  • Children develop a strong sense of community and family bonds.
  • Parents teach their offspring the importance of hard work and discipline.
  • Traditional Nigerian parenting practices incorporate moral and ethical values.
  • Kids who grow up with this parenting style become independent and self-reliant adults.
  • Parents often instill a sense of spirituality and religious beliefs in their children.

Disadvantages of Traditional Nigerian Parenting Methods

  • Parents can be overly strict and unyielding, stifling their child’s growth and creativity.
  • Children may grow up feeling emotionally distant from their parents, leading to fractured relationships later in life.
  • Traditional Nigerian parenting methods can sometimes be harmful to children’s mental and physical health.
  • Parents may overemphasize academic performance, leading children to experience extensive mental and emotional stress.
  • Children raised by this method may sometimes lack individuality and struggle with self-expression.
  • Parents tend to focus more on their child’s obedience and respect for rules rather than building communication and problem-solving skills.

All in all, traditional Nigerian parenting methods have their pros and cons. While they have a significant impact on children’s upbringing, some practices may restrict their ability to be independent thinkers and creative problem-solvers.

Parents must find a balance between adopting valuable traditional practices such as respect, hard work, and discipline, and incorporating modern practices that promote self-expression, critical thinking, and creativity.

Indeed, a balance between both methods would provide children with a more-rounded upbringing, leading to successful and well-balanced adults.

Balancing Modern and Traditional Methods of Parenting in Nigeria (1)

Read: Nutrition and Smart Parenting: A Nigerian Parents’ Guide

Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Nigerian Parenting Methods


  1. Modern parenting methods prioritize the child’s emotional and physical wellbeing.
  2. Modern parenting methods are more inclusive and incorporate the opinions of both parents.
  3. Modern parenting methods encourage open communication and a healthy parent-child relationship.
  4. Modern parenting methods consider the diverse needs of children and allow for individualized care.
  5. Modern parenting methods incorporate technology and provide access to educational resources for children.


  1. Modern parenting methods can be too permissive and may lack discipline and structure.
  2. Modern parenting methods may encourage entitlement and a lack of resilience in children.
  3. Modern parenting methods can be expensive, with the emphasis on educational and extracurricular activities.
  4. Modern parenting methods may neglect the importance of traditional cultural values and practices.
  5. Modern parenting methods can lead to more pressure and stress for both parents and children to achieve success.

Modern Nigerian parenting methods have evolved, incorporating both traditional practices and Western approaches. They prioritize children’s well-being, fostering open communication and individualized care. Technology enables access to educational resources.

However, they can be overly permissive, lacking discipline and structure. This may lead to undisciplined children unprepared for rules and expectations.

Entitlement and a lack of resilience may develop due to sheltering children from challenges. Expensive educational and extracurricular activities create stress and financial burdens.

Traditional cultural values and practices may be neglected. Balancing modern and traditional methods is crucial, considering the child’s well-being and upholding cultural values.

Parents must choose the approach that aligns with their family’s needs and values, fostering growth and adaptability.

Read: Maximizing the Education of Your Child in Nigeria: Tips and Tricks

Balancing Traditional and Modern Nigerian Parenting Methods

Parenting is perhaps one of the most challenging yet rewarding roles anyone can take on. The kind of parenting one receives largely affects their perception of what good parenting entails. Thus, parenting in Nigeria has been influenced by traditional and modern methods, with each approach having its merits and demerits.

Explanation of the Need for Balance

Striking a balance between traditional and modern methods of parenting is vital to ensure that Nigerian children receive the best possible upbringing.

Traditional methods emphasize respect for authority and instilling discipline, while modern methods prioritize individuality and self-expression. Parents must balance these two approaches to ensure that children are well-rounded and equipped to handle the demands of the world.

Tips for Balancing Traditional and Modern Nigerian Parenting Methods

  1. Embrace open-mindedness: As a parent, it is essential to remain open-minded about new ways of doing things and be receptive to change.
  2. Assess individual family values: Parents need to evaluate their family’s values to strike a balance between tradition and modernity. Decide what is important to your family and find ways to incorporate both traditional and modern methods into your parenting style.
  3. Collaborate with other parents: Collaborate with other parents, share ideas, and learn different parenting techniques. This will enforce and reinforce your understanding of different approaches and ensure that you have support in developing a hybrid style that works for your family.
  4. Be consistent: Once you have established a hybrid style that works for the family, be consistent in its application. Consistency will help children identify and understand the reasoning behind the various parenting approaches being used.
  5. Encourage independent problem-solving: Children need to develop their problem-solving skills. Encourage them to think critically, reflect, weigh options AND be self-directed in their decision-making.

The Importance of Communication and Collaboration between Parents in Balancing Parenting Methods

Collaborative parenting involves open communication, respect for differing views, and shared responsibilities. Remember that we mustn’t employ outdated parenting methods under the guise of traditional values. Embrace collaboration to merge modern ideas with traditional values for a well-rounded, adaptable child who can thrive.

In essence, it’s possible to strike a balance between traditional and modern parenting methods, creating a tailored approach. Parents play a vital role in their children’s upbringing, ensuring relevant and impactful lessons that balance past and present.

Read: Understanding Child Discipline: A Nigerian Perspective


It is important for parents to strike a balance between traditional and modern methods of parenting in Nigeria.

We have discussed how parenting styles have evolved due to changes in society and how some traditional practices, like physical discipline, may not be as effective.

However, we must not completely abandon our cultural heritage and the values it instills in our children.

The key to effective parenting is balance. We must find ways to incorporate modern methods such as positive reinforcement and open communication with traditional practices like respect for elders and communalism.

As parents, it is our responsibility to consciously create a balance in our parenting methods to raise well-adjusted and productive members of society.

Let us take action to create a harmonious blend of traditional and modern methods in our parenting styles in Nigeria.

Balancing Modern and Traditional Methods of Parenting in Nigeria (2024)


What is the parenting style in Nigeria? ›

The Nigerian parent styles

The true Nigerian parenting style includes tough love, discipline, instilling a sense of responsibility, diligence at home chores (maybe directed at the female child), a big premium placed on respect and culture.

What is the difference between traditional parenting and modern parenting? ›

Traditional parenting generally involves more rules and stricter discipline, while modern parenting is more open-minded and less authoritarian. Traditional parenting also tends to rely heavily on rewards and punishments, while modern parenting focuses more on teaching children life lessons through dialogue.

What are the challenges of parenting in Nigeria? ›

In conclusion, parenting in Nigeria comes with its unique set of challenges, including peer pressure, academic stress, and navigating the educational system. It's vital for parents to address these challenges with love and understanding, providing guidance and support rather than hurtful words.

What is a balanced parenting style? ›

Balanced parenting is a parenting style first described by scientists in the 1960s. It includes high warmth and support for your child along with appropriate monitoring and discipline. We sometimes use the words “authoritative” or “lighthouse” parenting instead of “balanced,” but they mean the same thing.

How do Nigerian parents discipline? ›

The last type of parenting style that is very common in Nigeria is the authoritative nurturing. Authoritative parents encourage their children to be independent, but they also set limits and boundaries. Child discipline is also applied, but in a supportive, non-punitive way.

What are parental roles in Nigeria? ›

In most Nigerian families, the father is considered the head of the house. He makes most decisions and is the primary breadwinner for the family. Women are usually responsible for childrearing and household duties. In most families in Nigeria, children eat separately from adults.

What are modern parenting examples? ›

Children are encouraged to explore, play, try different things. Punishment is not the modern parenting cup of tea - it's not about punishing, threatening or shaming a child for not doing something. It's about rewarding them when they do, and finding ways to get them interested.

What are the challenges with modern parenting? ›

In this blog, we will explore the challenges and benefits of modern parenting.
  • Challenges:
  • Technology and Screen Time:
  • Work-Life Balance:
  • Social Media Influence:
  • Benefits:
  • Access to Information:
  • Global Connectivity:
  • Flexible Parenting Styles:
Mar 13, 2024

What is a traditional family like vs a modern family? ›

A "traditional" family is a family with a husband, a wife, and one or more children. However, in today's modern world, the definition of the family is slowly changing. A modern family could be a same-sex couple with or without children, a blended family, or a grandparent raising one or more children.

What is the biggest issue facing children in Nigeria? ›

Hunger is the most concerning issue affecting children in Nigeria and around the world in 2023, according to almost half of adults surveyed in almost every continent by Save the Children.

What are the effect of single parenting in Nigeria? ›

Single parent children commonly experience difficulties in identifying the role strain and stigmatization regardless of how it was obtained. As such, the children faced development and socialization problem which leads to social vices such as drugs, armed robbery cultism, swindling (419), prostitution, abortion etc.

What are the challenges of the Nigerian girl child? ›

Poverty, peer pressure, early marriage, unwanted pregnancy, negligence, rape, ignorance, being their family's burden bearers and lack of parental care are parts of the challenges hindering girl child education in Nigeria.

Why is balance important in parenting? ›

A balanced parenting style works because it does three things: Your warmth, love and involvement make your teen more open to your influence. By providing structure through limits and consequences, you help your teen develop the ability to regulate their behaviour and make good decisions.

Which parenting style could be considered the most balanced? ›

Perhaps the most beneficial of Diana Baumrind's parenting styles is Authoritative. This is generally regarded to be the best parenting style as it provides a balance between structure and independence, allowing a child to grow within reasonable boundaries and explore their abilities.

What is the most effective parenting style? ›

Authoritative (also known as balanced) parenting is widely regarded as the most effective style because it provides kids with both security and support. However, incorporating permissive or authoritarian elements into a balanced approach can be useful when parenting a child with atypical needs.

What is the most common parenting style in Africa? ›

The results found maternal authoritative parenting style to be the most prevalent across and within groups, but there were also significant differences between and within groups.

What is the culture of raising children in Nigeria? ›

The old school or traditional Nigerian parenting style includes; tough love, discipline, instilling a sense of responsibility and diligence at home; chores directed mostly at the female child. The Nigerian family puts a big premium on respect, traditions, and culture.

What is motherhood in Nigeria culture? ›

Giving birth to children in certainly valued in Nigeria, but the concept of motherhood is so much broader than that. Upon reaching a certain age, nearly every woman is looked upon as a mother, regardless of whether or not she has given birth to children. She becomes a mother to everyone around her.


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