Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (2024)


Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (1)

Celebrate Black History Month in October with these lessons, assemblies, recommended movies and more…

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (2)

by Teachwire

DOWNLOAD A FREE RESOURCE! Black History Month art – Basquiat KS2 lesson plan

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Browse this list of recommended Black History Month activities to find the perfect way to cover this important event in your classroom this year…

When is Black History Month?

Black History Month takes place in October in the UK.

What is Black History Month?

In the UK, Black History Month is a national celebration that aims to promote and celebrate the contributions black people have made to society. It’s also an opportunity to promote an understanding of black history more widely.

Black History Month theme 2024

2023’s focus was on celebrating the exceptional achievements of black women. This was encapsulated by the theme ‘Saluting our sisters’.

Table of Contents

  • When is Black History Month?
  • What is Black History Month?
  • Black History Month theme 2024
  • Black History Month activities and resources
  • How to avoid the ‘siloing’ effect of Black History Month
  • Whose history should we teach?

Black History Month activities and resources

Black History Month art lesson plan

Use this KS2 art lesson to look at the life and work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, arguably the most influential Black artist of all time. Basquiat gained recognition as part of the New York graffito duo SAMO and went on to receive critical acclaim.

Children will enjoy accessing his art because it feels familiar – his drawing style is very childlike, and his work has a sense of freedom.

Discover black scientist Dr Shirley Ann Jackson

Use this free activity booklet from Pearson to explore key facts about famous black scientist, Dr Shirley Ann Jackson. There are also fun activities and discussion starters for your students.

Windrush Child reading lessons

Windrush Childby the late, great Benjamin Zephaniah explores themes of identity, belonging and resilience. It’s part of theScholastic Voices series which aims to highlight underrepresented histories through personal and powerful narratives.

Designed to facilitate a deep understanding of the novel over five weeks, this five-lesson resource by Ashley Booth breaks the book into manageable chapter segments for detailed study.

Black British History lesson plan

It’s not always easy to find Black History Month activities that help children learn about blackBritishhistory.

Patrice Lawrence’s novelDiver’s Daughteroffers a valuable opportunity to help pupils discover more about the diversity of the people who lived in England during the Tudor times.

By exploring the experiences of characters whose stories are not always told, and contrasting them with their own rights and freedoms, this Black History Month KS2 lesson plan for schools enables children to develop empathy alongside their historical knowledge and understanding.

Black History Month activities – poetry competition

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (8)

This poetry competition is open to all students from primary age onwards, with separate categories for different age groups.

Pupils need to submit a poem about a pioneering black woman who has made an impact in their chosen field – whether famous or not. The deadline is 15th November 2023.

Winners will be announced on World Poetry Day and the top 32 poems will be printed in a special publication.

Inspirational people comprehension and writing activities packs

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (9)

Teach LKS2 students about influential footballer, Marcus Rashford. This Black History Month activities pack from Plazoom covers introduces Marcus and explains how he’s using his influence to campaign for political change.

It contains text and comprehension questions, a PowerPoint, discussion cards and a writing task sheet. There are similar packs for KS1 (Rosa Parks) and UKS2 (Barack Obama).

Inspirational posters art activity

This KS2 art idea involves children working together to produce inspirational portraits of significant people. The posters make an inspiring display when placed together.

Empire Windrush lesson plan

During this KS2 Black history lesson, children will become aware of the discrimination that black people faced as they arrived in Britain on the Empire Windrush in 1948.

It also provides opportunities for pupils to explore important historical events, demonstrate empathy and discuss issues relating to current affairs involving discrimination.

Once you’ve explored what the Empire Windrush was and the reaction passengers received when they arrived, complete the lesson by writing a diary entry.

The lesson plan and all accompanying resources are included in this download.

Books for topics – Look Up!

Join science-mad chatterbox Rocket and learn about Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman in space, with this KS1/2 Black history book topic.

Every child has a dream – they want to be ballet dancers, football players, vets, pop stars. Rocket, star ofLook Up!by Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola, wants to be an astronaut more than anything in the world (and the solar system).

This story follows the aspirations of a very passionate and tenacious little girl who is desperate to follow in the footsteps of Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman in space.

This title won Waterstones Children’s Book Of The Year and will entertain and enthuse young readers with its thoughtful, bold, bright illustrations and charming protagonist.

Floella Benjamin drama lesson

When planning your Black History Month activities, there are many people whose struggles, achievements and inspirational stories could be shared with our children.

Floella Benjamin is certainly inspirational, but has the added advantage of having recorded her experiences in a beautifully written and accessible book,Coming to England.

This KS2 Black history drama lesson plan uses drama to explore some of Floella’s experiences, while giving the children the opportunity to discuss and express their views on discrimination, inequality and injustice.

Schools resource pack

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (14)

This Black History Month schools resource pack 2023 costs £54.50 and contains:

  • Black History Month posters
  • Assembly notes
  • Lesson plans
  • Supporter logos, artwork and more

The importance of Black History Month assembly

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (15)

This Black History assembly from TrueTube is designed to celebrate (and discuss) the event. You can download the assembly plan which includes links to include related videos.

Black History Month magazine

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (16)

The 2023 edition of Black History Month Magazine will features a wide range of writers, from sportspeople and entertainers to educators and businesspeople, all talking about how to elevate black people and be an ally.

Find out how you can get this year’s edition and read older editions.

Empire Windrush education resources

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (17)

These two massive Empire Windrush education resources, published by Windrush Foundation, include more than 200 pages of information, activities, photographs and data for students, teachers, parents, guardians and anyone keen to know some of the interesting post-war stories of Caribbean people in the UK.

Into Film recommended movies

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (18)

As per usual, Into Film has you covered with topic-related films and accompanying teaching resources.

This list ranges from films likeThe Princess and the Frogfor young students to the seminalTo Kill a Mockingbirdand the harrowing12 Years a Slave.

Many come with film guides for teachers or related resources to help teach children in your classroom.

Influential Black Britons illustrated book

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (19)

This resource from UK Parliament contains stories of influential black Britons who have impacted UK laws and equal rights. Use it to embed stories of important black Britons across your KS1 and KS2 curriculum.

Black history timeline of resources

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (20)

AtBlack History 4 Schoolsyou’ll find a whole list of links to useful resources all separated into historic sections:

  • Black presence in Tudor times
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade and Abolition of slavery
  • Black presence in the 18th, 19th and 20th century

Black British history lessons with Professor David Olusoga

With only 8% of people reporting ever learning about the colonisation of Africa in schools, resource website iChild has partnered with Professor David Olusoga and his sister Dr Yinka Olusoga to create resources focuses on black history as an integral part of British history, not an add-on.

It’s part of the Captivating Classrooms collection, which features more than 250 digital resource units. The resources include editable PowerPoints, teacher notes, worksheets, keyword flashcards, posters and certificates. Find out more about subscribing.

Read more about David Olusoga’s schooldays and the racism he endured.

Black history in the army

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (21)

The National Army Museum has created source packs and teacher notes with suggested activities) to highlight black history and support an inclusive curriculum. Students will learn about:

  • The origins of African and Caribbean soldiers in the Army
  • Conflict and resistance within the British Empire in Africa
  • The contributions of black men and women to Britain’s efforts in the First and Second World Wars

How to avoid the ‘siloing’ effect of Black History Month

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (22)

I want to be honest and open with all who read this. I spent years getting diversity and inclusion wrong.

As a teacher and curriculum leader, I was certain that because I featured the lives of Black people, women and other under-represented groups in my curriculum via dedicated lessons, assemblies, tutor time posts or even homework, I was getting it right.

However, I now know that I was being naïve. I’d fallen into the same narrative traps that have ensnared many others. I write these words having since educated myself, researched widely and spoken to a number of Black educators, including Emily Foloronshu (@MissFolorunsho) and Thandi Banda (@STEMyBanda), who were gracious enough to assist with the writing of this article.

Deeper thinking

Black History Month(BHM) is a well-intentioned celebration of the invaluable contribution made by Black peoples from the African Diaspora to British society. To be clear, I’m not going to argue here that we should scrap BHM. Indeed, it must be made an integral part of the school year.

I am, however, keen to explore the need for us to think more deeply about the time we allocate in the history curriculum to studying the contributions and developments made by Black people.

With big, one-off events such as BHM in place, do we risk treating the contribution of Black people as merely an add-on, for one month only?

Are BHM and other similar events just tokenistic attempts at inclusivity? Should we instead be looking to seamlessly connect the perspectives of broader, more inclusive groups, in order to arrive at a more thorough understanding of life in the past?

“Do we risk treating the contribution of Black people as merely an add-on, for one month only?”

Where we are

In recent years, some schools have adopted a more diverse and inclusive curriculum in which they connect the contributions and developments of Black people to the perspectives and contributions of non-Black people. But, at least in my experience, this is far from the norm.

In primary schools, Black History Month will typically involve a themed assembly and a month of topic-related activities. These may celebrate the contributions of individuals like Martin Luther King or Jesse Owens.

This is a start, but does it really show that we value the contributions made by Black people to the country and world we live in today? To what extent does such activity meaningfully help students understand cultural diversity?

In secondary schools, BHM tends be delivered through assemblies, workshops and PSHE lessons. But again, it’s activity that’s limited to one month. It’s often not linked to any other current learning, resulting in its purpose being lost amongst students.

Surely we can do better than this?

The power of history teachers

We history teachers have a superpower – a knowledge of the past that enables us to shape the minds and perspectives of all the children who pass through our classrooms.

I often think about the hundreds of students who have left school knowing that ‘Hitler invaded Poland in 1939’ or that ‘William the conqueror used castles as a form of social control’ because I told them so.

We create a legacy of knowledge in our classrooms. The perspectives and viewpoints we consider in our lessons will live on in the minds of the next generation, and possibly the generation after that.

So it follows that we have an enormous responsibility to ensure that what we teach is as well thought out, representative and accurate as it can be.

So, with that in mind, how many of our students could name a Black inventor? How many could name a Black man or women who has led social change in the UK? Very few, would be my guess.

And yet, history is full of Black people who contributed to the development of the world we currently live in. Yes, Martin Luther King was a globally important figure within the Civil Rights Movement. But don’t children in the UK deserve to also learn about more relatable individuals who have contributed in some way to the development of the country they know today?

This issue extends beyond the history curriculum. Every subject area, across all Key Stages, can do more to value and celebrate the contributions of Black people. If we don’t, we perpetuate the narrative that non-Black individuals almost exclusively shape and tell history.

Rethinking curriculum design

While there has been some progress in ensuring history curriculums reflect wider perspectives, we must do more.
Consider how most schools will examine women’s fight for universal suffrage in one unit, and then the experiences and struggles of Black people during the height of the slave trade in another. I would argue that by isolating such topics, we present the groups concerned in a very particular way.

Instead, let’s look at how we can design our curriculums so they reflect the perspectives of said groups within all topics. In place of standalone lessons, let’s encourage a more organic reflection of different groups at each curriculum stage. At the same time, we shouldn’t give our students the impression that Black people ‘began’ as slaves. Instead, we should look more widely at African kingdoms, and the roots of humanity in Africa.

The amazing work of Katie Amery and Teni Gogo in this area is worthy of high praise. Earlier this year they authored a textbook for Oxford University Press, titledKS3 History Depth Study:African Kingdoms – West Africa Student Book, which reshapes the curriculum work schools have previously done on African heritage.

It prioritises the responsibility we have as teachers to maintain a legacy of knowledge that challenges racism and preconceived stereotypes around Black people.

The standalone problem

Looking back, I now shudder to think of those lessons, homework assignments and other tasks I planned and delivered to ensure I’d essentially ‘ticked the inclusion’ box. Because whatever it was, it certainly wasn’t an inclusive curriculum.

The fact that we were having to even consider how to ‘add’ the perspectives of different groups into our topics illustrates just how naïve we’ve been in this area.

We should carefully weave and sequence such perspectives throughout curriculum content. As history teachers, we should considering more widely those sources and interpretations that might help to broaden the knowledge base.

“Looking back, I now shudder to think of those lessons, homework assignments and other tasks I planned and delivered”

For example, you can easily use diary entities and letters from Black soldiers serving in WWI regarding their experiences of the trenches alongside sources from white soldiers.

Alternatively, when covering the recruitment of soldiers in WWI, we could cast our topic net more widely by directly comparing recruitment drives on the home front with those pursued across the wider Commonwealth.

Pertinent and explicit

When I started researching this topic, I was shocked to find that some schools don’t celebrate BHM at all, but celebrate it we must.

In Emily Foloronshu’s view, BHM can be made both pertinent and explicit by going beyond just the US Civil Rights Movement. It’s about thinking more deeply about how the event links to Black people’s lives in the UK.

Above all, collaborate and connect with other educators and academics. Because there’s so much good work being done nationwide to ensure we all reflect on our responsibilities, as history teachers, to devise an inclusive curriculum that accurately and consistently reflects the perspectives of different communities.

Lindsay Galbraith is assistant vice principal – teaching, learning and curriculum at a school in Telford; follow her at@MsGHist

What to do next

  • Spark debate among your teams. Is your curriculum inclusive, in terms of there being seamless connections between the experiences of wider communities and your current perspectives?
  • Reflect on whether your curriculum feeds into stereotypical ideas about Black people. Are you only teaching the history of Black people from the slave trade and beyond?
  • Read widely. A great place to start would be Emily Folorunsho’s chapter in the recently publishedWhat is History Teaching, Now?handbook edited by Alex Fairlamb and Rachel Ball (£18, John Catt)
  • Recruit a team of teachers and students to help you with your planning for Black History Month
  • Consider cross-curricular links beyond the history curriculum and spark debate across your school

Whose history should we teach?

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (23)

Events over the last few years have highlighted the need for school history lessons to adopt a much wider, more global perspective, says history teacher Gemma Hargraves…

As monuments fell across the world in 2020, some of us felt compelled to ask – are our young people seeing themselves and their cultures reflected in the history curriculum? And does it matter?

The answer to the first question remains unclear. Many schools have made great strides in recent years to make their history curricula more diverse and representative. As for the second question, the answer is an emphatic ‘yes’. It matters.

Not just symbolically, but because the inclusion of world history, and the histories of groups previously overlooked in the curriculum, will make our subject richer. It will enable us to tell a fuller story, in bright technicolour.

This discussion isn’t about tokenism. Rather, it’s about how to make a rigorous and just curriculum fit for purpose in our globalised world.

I don’t intend to suggest any distinct routes to curriculum reform here. But I do believe that it’s worth exploring further the issues around whose history is being taught and how.

Regimes and racism

From the killing of George Floyd to the storming of the Capitol building, international events over the last few years have prompted us to think again about the content of the lessons we teach.

One can’t ignore the work of the National Trust’s fantastic Colonial Countryside project, the beginnings of Joe Biden’s presidency and the wonderful poem from Amanda Gorman that she read at the inauguration: “Somehow we’ve weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.”

As Sarah Maza argues inThinking About History, history changes all the time because it’s driven by the concerns of the present. She observes that history can be described as “What the present needs to know about the past”. And in this particular present, we’ve seen efforts at toppling monuments worldwide.

Statues topped

Protestors damaged statues of Christopher Columbus in Boston, Minnesota and Virginia. A statue of Andrew Jackson located near the White House survived an attempt by protestors to pull it down in June 2020.

Jackson served as the seventh US president from 1829 to 1837, owned slaves and enacted policies that forced Native Americans from their land, resulting in 15,000 deaths.

Closer to home, authorities removed statues of Leopold II of Belgium from locations near Brussels and a public square in Antwerp.

Almost 85,000 people signed a petition calling for the removal of all statues of Leopold from Belgium, as the country continues to grapple with its colonial past.

Leopold’s forces seized Congo in the late 19th century and ran an exploitative regime that led to the deaths of as many as 10 million Africans.

For decades, teachers have barely taught colonial history in Belgium. You can still find the famous (and racist) cartoon bookTintin in the Congoin many Belgian classrooms.

In June 2020, however, Belgium’s education minister announced that the country’s secondary schools would teach colonial history from 2021.

Colonial past

Britain was forced to confront its own colonial past when protesters forcibly removed a statue of the slave trader Edward Colston and threw it into Bristol Harbour. Colston transported at least 80,000 people from West Africa to the Caribbean, almost 20,000 of whom died on the voyages.

The statue was eventually retrieved, though not restored to its former location. Since then, debate has continued to rage around those schools and streets that bear his name.

Two days after Colston’s literal downfall, local authorities removed a statue of Robert Milligan outside of the Museum of London Docklands. He too was a slave trader. By the time of his death in 1809, he owned two sugar plantations and 526 slaves in Jamaica.

In January 2021 we saw the government’s response to these protests. Communities minister Robert Jenrick announced plans to change the law in to protect historic monuments and ensure “We don’t repeat the errors of previous generations.”

Representative history

Are we, as Chris Husbands argues in What is History Teaching?, as concerned with concepts of humanity and inhumanity as we are with evidence and change? For that may fundamentally alter the nature and purpose of history in schools, regardless of whose it is.

An understanding of the current discussion around statues may appeal to those drawn more to the humanity and inhumanity part of that equation. Or it might appeal to those drawn more to evidence and change. However, the concept of the former doesn’t fit as neatly into exam board specifications as the latter.

More recently, monuments erected to Churchill and Nelson have come in for especially heavy criticism. But there’s one thing I’d take from both men before their statues are potentially destroyed, moved, contextualised or forgotten.

220 years ago, Nelson stated that “The boldest measures are the safest,” with Churchill later using the same phrase himself. Perhaps sound and timely advice with respect to our history curriculum planning. If the question we’re asking is ‘Whose history?’, well – we must be bold.

We must acknowledge, for instance, that Black British history is all our history. Our present day UK is one shaped by immigration, even prior to theEmpire Windrush. More than one in five British people have a disability. We have evidence of hom*osexuality as far back as Roman times.

“If the question we’re asking is ‘Whose history?’, well – we must be bold”

We need to realise that diverse history is representative history. We must be global, not parochial; ambitious, not conservative. Curious, not close-minded.

Warts and all

Our globalised experiences show just how interconnected the people of the world now are. Though our historical knowledge should remind us that this isn’t new.

Global histories may now have the potential to edge out national narratives. With limited teaching time available in schools, we must make choices.

One can’t claim to teach the history of every possible group in school; to attempt to do so would be superficial, misleading and lead to an incoherent history curriculum.

“One can’t claim to teach the history of every possible group in school”

Still, as Husbands argues, pupils’ ideas of the past are linked to ideas they already have regarding human motivation. This works alongside various ideas and experiences that they’re exposed to beyond the school gates. Local history has its place too.

We can perhaps take inspiration from books likeThe House by the Lake(Thomas Harding) orHouse of Glass(Hadley Freeman), and broaden our timeframes to more of a breadth study, albeit while shining a spotlight on certain individuals, stories and evidence.

Or we could add some of Miranda Kaufmann’sBlack Tudorsto the established Tudors unit – a ‘slot-in’, as some schools are currently doing to rapidly diversify their existing units. But we must then build to do more, and do better.

Complex past

One may well agree with Jenrick when he said “It is our privilege in this country to have inherited a deep, rich, fascinating and, yes, often complex past. We are mature enough as a society to understand that, and to seek to pass it on – warts and all. To do otherwise would leave our history and future diminished.”

Indeed, it’s the duty of history teachers to teach that history, warts and all. To borrow a further line from Amanda Gorman – which could relate to the UK as much as the USA – “It’s the past we step into and how we repair it.”

“It’s the duty of history teachers to teach that history, warts and all”

All that’s left is to continue carefully pondering whose history it is that we’re teaching, and after Brexit and COVID-19, whether that history can help us heal.

Further reading

  • Natives– Akala
  • Queer City– Peter Ackroyd
  • The Hill We Climb– Amanda Gorman
  • Brit(ish)– Afua Hirsch
  • What is History Teaching?– Chris Husbands
  • Thinking About History– Sarah Maza
  • Silencing the Past– Michel-Rolph Trouillot

Audit tool

Download this audit tool to identify gaps and areas for development in your own history curriculum.

Gemma Hargraves is a history teacher, A Level examiner and secondary committee member of The Historical Association.

Black History Month activities – Best 2024 resources for KS2 and KS3 (2024)


What is the theme for Black History Month 2024? ›

2024 | African Americans and the Arts

The theme for Black History Month 2024 focuses on “African Americans and the Arts”.

What kind of activities can be done in school to celebrate Black History Month? ›

Transform Your Classroom into a Black History Museum. Bring the museum into your classroom with this Black History Month activity. Ask students to research notable Black figures or key events in Black history. Students will then create posters based on their research.

What is Black history in KS2? ›

During this KS2 Black history lesson, children will become aware of the discrimination that Black people faced as they arrived in Britain on the Empire Windrush in 1948.

What is the theme of history month 2024? ›

This 2024, the NHCP launched History Month with the theme "Salaysay ng Bayan, Saysay ng Bansa (Stories of the People, Essence of the Nation)" and enjoined the public to take part in the celebration of History Month nationwide.

What is the theme for Black History Month 2024 in the UK? ›

But 2024 is set to be a transformative year. Black History Month UK has unveiled its compelling theme: Reclaiming Narratives. This theme is not just about revisiting history; it's about taking ownership of the stories that define our culture, our contributions, and our very identity.

What is the game for Black History Month for kids? ›

Play 'Guess Who'

In this activity, children are given clues about a historical black figure and have to guess who it is. This activity makes learning about historical figures exciting and helps improve kids' critical thinking and knowledge about important personalities in black history.

What can kids cook for Black History Month? ›

Cook a traditional African or African American recipe

With the help of an adult, kids can try cooking new foods while learning more about Black culture and history. Try making okra, black-eyed peas, collard greens and sweet potato pie, which are common African American dishes that originated in the South.

What is the Black History Month for elementary students? ›

Black History Month is celebrated every February. It's an opportunity to recognize the contributions and achievements of African Americans throughout U.S. history. Black History Month has been officially recognized by U.S. presidents since the 1970s, but its origins date all the way back to 1926.

How do you plan a Black History Month event? ›

One way to celebrate black history is by organizing educational exhibits showcasing important milestones and influential figures. From the civil rights movement to the Harlem Renaissance, these exhibits can provide a comprehensive overview of the contributions of black individuals and communities.

Who should kids learn about for Black History Month? ›

Martin Luther King, Jr., who fought for equal rights for Blacks during the 1950s and '60s; Thurgood Marshall, the first African-American justice appointed to the United States Supreme Court in 1967; Mae Jemison, who became the first female African-American astronaut to travel to space in 1992; and Barack Obama, who was ...

What is black history called now? ›

Black History Month (also known as African American History Month and Celebration of the African Diaspora) began as Negro History Week in February of 1926. Fifty years later, President Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976 as a month-long national observance occurring in February.

What is the theme of the African American read in 2024? ›

18th Read-In Set for February 15

15, 2024, with Iowa first graders. This year's event follows the theme "African Americans and the Arts." Schools from across Iowa are invited to participate.

What is the theme for Black History Month 2025? ›

The 2025 Black History Month theme, “African Americans and Labor,” sets out to highlight and celebrate the potent impact of this work. Considering Black people's work through the widest perspectives provides versatile and insightful platforms for examining Black life and culture through time and space.

What is next year's Black History Month theme? ›

Since its origins in the 1920s, Black History Month has been assigned a theme. For 2024, the theme is "African Americans and the Arts," according to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History.

How is artistic expression important to the black community in 2024? ›

Explore the arts together with young people

Black History Month 2024 honors the innovation and interconnectedness within the African American community. And it reminds us that the arts, in all forms, are a powerful vehicle for storytelling, self-expression, and positive change.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.