Sleepless nights are no joke — so I’m sharing my current morning routine along a healthy green smoothie #ForBetterTomorrows
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Sleep is something I take very seriously — everyone in my life knows that if I don’t have a good night’s rest, the morning after will NOT be pretty. And with shorter days amongus, it’s so important to have a restful night and not let the day go to waste. Now, I know I can’t be the only one that suffers minor aches and pains once the evening settles, which can lead to a sleepless night — which in turn is not good. Today I’m sharing what my current morning routine looks like, along with a healthy and tasty green smoothie recipe.
Current Morning Routine
My current morning consists of getting up by 5 am, prepping our lunches for the day, sending off my husband to work, and getting ready for a long work day. As you can see, I have to be up early and sometimes I can have a hard time falling asleep, since I suffer from headaches — they are usually a minor ache, but it can definitely stop me from getting a good night’s sleep. The morning after a bad night’s sleep, due to my headaches, is terrible. I am groggy, I have a hard time focusing and just plain grumpy. So lately, in order to prevent this from happening I like to keepTYLENOL® PM on hand — I also like to stay off of social media or anything that might stimulate my brain more (TV, computer) about an hour before bedtime. I also have been using a diffuser that has lavender oil, which also helps calm me down.
It’s also so convenient to have my local Walgreens super close to home, so I can easily drop by and pick up someTYLENOL® — which by the way,TYLENOL® is collaborating with Walgreens to help consumers that are having sleepless night’s due to minor aches and pains. If you didn’t know, pain is an added layer of complexity to sleepless nights andTYLENOL® PM can relieve that. It’s so important to have restful days, especially since we recently had daylight savings time — days are shorter, so we must make the most of them.
If you’re struggling with minor aches and pains that cause sleeplessness, give TYLENOL® PM a try. Use only as directed. This is a sleep aid that’s to only be used when experiencing minor aches or pains.
Green Smoothie Recipe
This smoothie recipe is perfect for those that are just getting into green smoothies. Because let’s be honest, green smoothies sometimes aren’t the best. You can definitely adjust the pineapples to give it more of a sweeter taste and add any other ingredients you may like, but I highly recommend trying it as is first.
I hope you give some of these tips and this green smoothie a try — I promise it’s good. I am not a huge fan of green smoothies, but this one has stuck around. And to make it easier for me in the mornings, I pre-package everythingin sandwich bags and freeze them. That way I can grab, blend and go!
What do you do to help you avoid sleepless nights when minor aches and pains kick in? Are you a fan of green smoothies?
The GGS Is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, high-quality amino acids (which build protein), and countless other phytonutrients that work synergistically to prevent and repair damage in your body and boost rejuvenation.
Is Reese Witherspoon's Green Smoothie Healthy? The recipe comes in around 270 calories and has a whopping 20 grams of fiber per serving from all that produce, which helps give it some staying power. It's recommended that women get 25 grams a day and men 28 grams.
To decorate your smoothie you can use fruit to put on the edge of the container or place a straw or decorative element, not forgetting the toppings, from seeds to chocolate or coconut flakes.
Apart from caffeine, matcha is rich in antioxidants and amino acids, and has been associated with a lowered risk of liver disease and cardiovascular issues, according to Healthline. The remaining ingredients are fresh produce: Spinach, kale, romaine, cilantro, and blueberries (the lone non-green ingredient in the mix).
It is viral and famous for a reason: coconut cream, avocado, strawberry and loaded with collagen and sea moss for a delicious smoothie. Make it at home for a fraction of the price!
Reese took two heads of romaine lettuce, fresh spinach, celery, one pear, one apple, a banana, one lemon, as well as half a cup of coconut water and popped them into a blender.
The answer is yes, absolutely. Green smoothies are still a great way to get the nutrients your body craves. But, as with anything else, be mindful of your choices — rotate your ingredients, wash produce thoroughly and allow yourself a few “smoothie-free” days every week so you can try other nutrient-dense foods.
Cinnamon. The sweet, warm and comforting taste of cinnamon helps transform your glass of fruits and leafy greens into an equally healthy and tasty drink. Despite its dessert-like association, studies show that cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar, making it excellent for anyone battling type 2 diabetes.
Don't add lots of fruit juice to your smoothies. Choose to use fresh fruit instead as to not add any more artificial sugars! Do not toss in unwashed fruits! I know it can be tempting to skip the rinsing process to quickly dump everything into the blender, but unwashed fruits are unwashed fruits!
Just add a pack to any kind of hot or cold liquid, like a smoothie or coffee. “My go-to collagen routine is adding Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides in my morning cup of coffee or smoothie — so easy to use," Aniston says. "Love this stuff, use it every day," a five-star fan says.
Supplements. Ever since becoming Chief Creative Officer for Vital Proteins (she has been using the brand's Collagen Powder since 2014 and puts it in her smoothies), Aniston has helped revamp their protein bars, creating Vital Proteins & Jennifer Aniston Protein and Collagen Bars.
Can I Add Collagen to My Smoothie? Of course! As collagen peptides are easily digested and soluble in hot or cold liquids, it makes for a delicious candidate to put in smoothies. Plus, adding a scoop of collagen gives you the boost you need to support beautiful hair, skin and nails.
Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.
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