Getting Started with FW/1 (2024)

FW/1 was created in July 2009 as a reaction against complexity and bloat in other frameworks in the CFML community. FW/1 itself is a single file, and provides a simple, convention-based approach to MVC (Model-View-Controller) applications, as well as REST APIs. Whilst it has become more sophisticated over time, it has remained a single file, focused on getting out of your way and providing the intuitive plumbing you need. For historical background, you can read the introductory blog post from July 2009.

As of release 3.1, FW/1 also includes DI/1 - a simple, convention-based Dependency Injection framework - and AOP/1 - a simple, convention-based Aspect-Oriented Programming framework. If those phrases don’t mean anything to you, don’t worry, you won’t need to know anything about them to get started. For a full list of changes in this release, see the Change Log.

  • Copyright and License
  • Installing FW/1
  • Your First FW/1 Application
    • Linking Pages Together
    • An Aside on URL Structure
    • Adding a Controller to Your Application
    • Adding a Layout to Your Application
    • Adding a Service to Your Application
  • What’s Next?

Requirements & Supported Platforms

FW/1 4.2 supports Adobe ColdFusion 10 or later and Lucee 4.5.0 or later. I recommend using Lucee 5.0 or later since it’s free, open source, and fast, with a small footprint. If you’re using Adobe ColdFusion, I recommend upgrading to the latest version (ColdFusion 2016 as of February 2016) to take advantage of various improvements in the core language – although there are quite a few bugs in several areas of ColdFusion 2016 (even as of February 2016).

If you’re on ColdFusion 9.0.2, you’ll need to use FW/1 3.5. If you’re on ColdFusion 9.0.1, FW/1 3.5 should work but there may be some edge cases in Application.cfc lifecycle behavior that may trip you up.

If you’re on ColdFusion 9.0.0 or earlier, or still using Open BlueDragon, you’ll need to stick with FW/1 1.3. Sorry, but supporting those versions is just too painful!

Copyright and License

The FW/1 software family is copyright (c) 2009-2018 Sean Corfield (and others). All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for that software are covered by the Apache Software License 2.0 ( which can also be found in the file LICENSE at the root of that distribution and in individual licensed files. By using that software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of that license. You must not remove that notice, or any other, from that software.

The FW/1 documentation is copyright (c) 2009-2018 Sean Corfield and is made available under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

Installing FW/1

There are two options by which to install FW/1: either install it via CommandBox, or download it from Github.

Install with CommandBox

FW/1 can be installed via CommandBox. From your command prompt, you can easily install FW/1 by entering box install fw1 and the latest stable version will be installed to your current working directory from ForgeBox. To install the latest development vesion of FW/1, simply enter box install fw1@be. To download a specific release, use the pattern fw1@[version] (e.g., fw1@4.2.0). A list of available versions can be found on the ForgeBox package page. Refer to the CommandBox documentation for more info on installing and using CommandBox.

This is a minimal install and only the framework folder is installed via this method. To start with a complete working application, you can grab the examples folder from the full Github/RIAForge download (see the second install method) or generate one via FW/1 Commands from CommandBox.

Download from Github

FW/1 can also be downloaded directly from the releases page on Github. Both paths will lead you to the same page which lists all the releases, with the latest stable release and pre-release versions listed first.

When you download FW/1 (or check it out from Github), it’s a complete web application. The framework folder should either be copied to your webroot (the simplest way to get started) or else made accessible via a mapping for /framework. Since Application.cfc extends, you have to add that mapping in your CFML admin - you cannot use a per-application mapping. As of release 3.5 there is a way to avoid the mapping and extending which we’ll cover in the Developing Applications Guide.

Note: do not install FW/1 into a subfolder that contains . in the name as this may prevent CFC resolution from working!

Your First FW/1 Application

FW/1 itself consists of a single CFC:, i.e., framework/one.cfc. Your Application.cfc will extend that and your application’s “pages” will live under a views folder inside a subfolder for each section of your application.

The simplest FW/1 application comprises:

  • Application.cfc which extends
  • Empty index.cfm (this file is required but the content is ignored)
  • views folder containing a main subfolder containing default.cfm - your initial application view

See the 1helloworld example in the examples folder which is this same minimal application.

Create Application.cfc containing:

component {}

Create an empty index.cfm file.

Create views/main/default.cfm containing:

When you access the application, it should say Hello FW/1!

Linking Pages Together

FW/1 provides a convenient method for generating links between pages. We’re going to use that to link two pages together.

Edit views/main/default.cfm and wrap the content in cfoutput since we’re going to be executing CFML code now:

<cfoutput> <p>Hello FW/1</p></cfoutput>

Now we’ll add a link to a new page - a new section.item - using the buildURL() function FW/1 provides. Edit default.cfm so it looks like this:

<cfoutput> <p>Hello FW/1</p> <p><a href="#buildURL('main.other')#">Go away</a>!</p></cfoutput>

This will generate a link with an action of main.other. Now we’ll create views/main/other.cfm with this content:

<cfoutput> <p>Goodbye FW/1</p> <p><a href="#buildURL('main')#">Come back</a>!</p></cfoutput>

This will generate a link with an action of main, which is equivalent to main.default as we’ll see in the next section.

Reload your application in your browser: you should see a Go away! link after Hello FW/1!. Click it and you should go to a URL with ?action=main.other which should display Goodbye FW/1! and a link back to your default page. Click that Come back link and you should see your original page. Note that FW/1 realized that the main action is the default and omitted it from the URL completely: this helps keep URLs unique for search engines.

See the 2hellolinked example in the examples folder which is this simple two page application.

An Aside on URL Structure

Pages are accessed using ?action=section.item in the URL which will display the views/section/item.cfm file. The default action is main.default, as you might have guessed from the examples above! If you specify just the section name - ?action=section then the item has the value default, in other words, ?action=section is equivalent to ?action=section.default.

If your application server supports it, so-called SES (Search Engine Safe) URLs can be used with FW/1:

  • index.cfm/section - equivalent to ?action=section
  • index.cfm/section/item - equivalent to ?action=section.item
  • index.cfm/section/item/name/value - equivalent to ?action=section.item&name=value

To use name/value pairs in SES URLs, you must specify both the section and item parts of the action. A trailing name with no value is equivalent to &name= in a normal URL.

You can tell FW/1 to generate URLs like this from buildURL() through a configuration setting we’ll look at later. You can also tell FW/1 to omit index.cfm/ from the generated URL (although you’ll need web server URL rewrites in place to add index.cfm/ back in so the requests are processed correctly by your CFML application server).

Adding a Controller to Your Application

When you ask for action=section.item FW/1 also looks for section.cfc in a controllers folder and, if present, invokes the item() method on it (and then displays the matching view). We’re going to change our view to display a variable and add a controller to set that variable.

Change views/main/default.cfm to contain:


Add controllers/main.cfc with a method, default(), that takes a single struct argument called rc (for request context) like this:

component { function default( struct rc ) { param name="" default="anonymous"; }}

Note that controller CFC names must be all lowercase.

When you access the application now, it should say Hello anonymous! but if you put ?name=Sean on the URL, it should say Hello Sean! The request context passed to the controller method contains all the URL and form variables from the browser and is also made available to the view directly, as rc.

See the 3hellocontroller example in the examples folder which is this simple controller example.

Controllers are cached. Add ?reload=true to the URL to reload your controllers if you make changes.

Adding a Layout to Your Application

When you ask for action=section.item FW/1 looks for layouts/section/item.cfm to find a specific layout (it also knows how to look for default layouts for sections and for an application-wide layout - we’ll cover that next). The basic view is passed in as a variable called body. Let’s try this for our default action, main.default:

Create layouts/main/default.cfm containing:

<h1>Welcome to FW/1!</h1><cfoutput>#body#</cfoutput>

Layout filenames, like view filenames, must be all lowercase.

When you access the application now, it should have Welcome to FW/1! as a heading above the previous output.

FW/1 also looks for a section-specific layout in layouts/section.cfm and an application-wide layout in layouts/default.cfm. Let’s create those just to see them in action!

Create layouts/main.cfm containing:

<cfoutput><div style="border: solid blue 1px;">#body#</div></cfoutput>

When you access the application, you should see a blue box around the output you had before. Note that if you ask for action=main.other you’ll get the blue box but you won’t get Welcome to FW/1! because that came from a layout specific to the main.default action.

Now create layouts/default.cfm containing:

<cfoutput> <div style="border: solid green 2px; padding: 20px;"> #body# </div></cfoutput>

When you access the application now, you should see a green box added around the blue box that was there before.

Hello anonymous!

You can see how the layouts nest (and hopefully your artistic skills with CSS and HTML can produce something that looks a lot nicer than this example!).

The 4hellolayout example in the examples folder corrsponds to what you should have at this point.

Adding a Service to Your Application

Whilst you can keep adding functionality to your controllers, a well-structured MVC application tries to keep the controllers lightweight and delegate all the business logic to the “Model” of your application. The Model is generally exposed to your controllers through a service layer, including smart objects that represent the problem domain, known as domain objects.

You can manage service CFCs yourself if you want but FW/1 ships with an easy to use “bean factory” that makes it easy to create service CFCs, have them automatically wired into your controllers, and then call their methods directly.

Let’s create a greeting service that we can call from our controller. Create a model folder, with a services subfolder, and inside that we’ll put our greeting.cfc:

component { function greet( string name ) { return "so-called " & name; }}

FW/1 automatically looks in the model folder for CFCs to create and it expects domain objects to be in a beans subfolder and treats everything else as singletons, creating only a single unique instance.

Now we need to tell our controller about this service so we will add accessors=true to the component tag (so that CFML will automatically provide set and get methods for our properties), and we will add a property for our greeting service like this:

component accessors=true { property greetingService; function default( struct rc ) { param name="" default="anonymous"; }}

Then Service suffix is just a convention that FW/1 and DI/1 use so that you don’t have to worry about CFCs with the same name in different parts of your application model - the subfolder is used as the suffix.

Now we’ll add a call to the greet() method of that service:

component accessors=true { property greetingService; function default( struct rc ) { param name="" default="anonymous"; = variables.greetingService.greet( ); }}

When you access the application, you’ll see it says Hello so-called anonymous! so FW/1 has automatically found our service, injected it into our controller, and made it available for us to call in our default() method! This is called Dependency Injection and as we mentioned right at the start of this page, you mostly don’t need to worry about what it means or how it works: you just declare a property for each service you depend on and FW/1 and DI/1 work together to inject it for you.

If you access the application with ?name=Sean in the URL, it should say Hello so-called Sean! so you can see how URL variables are passed into the controller and can be passed as arguments to service calls.

Your application at this point corresponds to the 5helloservice example in the examples folder.

What’s Next?

Once you’ve read this Getting Started guide, you’ll want to move on to the Developing Applications Manual and when you need to look things up, use the Reference Manual. In particular, if you are interested in building REST APIs, you’ll want to read Controllers for REST APIs in the Developing Applications Guide. You may also want to learn about Using Subsystems which allows FW/1 applications to be combined as modules of a larger FW/1 application, or DI/1, a simple, convention-based dependency injection framework. You may also want to learn about AOP/1.

You probably also want to join the FW/1 mailing list on Google Groups,join the CFML Slack team for the #fw1 channel on Slack, or follow the #FW1 twitter stream; you may also find help and inspiration in the FW/1 Site Showcase, a directory of sites created with FW/1. To read about what’s coming in the future, take a look at the Roadmap.

Getting Started with FW/1 (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.