No Bake Lemon Slice (Thermomix Method Included) - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (2024)

When I was 19 and at University studying music, I had to do a practice teaching block. I chose Erina High School, as it just so happened that there was a boy I liked who lived there! I was staying at a friend’s house and he lived with his Grandmother. So as you do, I popped over for a cup of tea and a chat. His grandmother got out this slice… seriously I could have eaten the whole slab, but I didn’t because I was trying to be polite. This is the exact same recipe, just doubled for my slice tin. I like it for many different reasons; I’m a fan of anything lemon; it keeps in the fridge for a long time; I don’t have to cook it; if I need a sugar hit it does the job very well; It is easy to whip up and take to friends houses; EVERYONE loves it!

Old-Fashioned, but still delicious!

No Bake Lemon Slice

Ingredients Slice

2 Packets of sweet biscuits (Marie or Milk Arrowroot)

(If you would like to make this gluten free pleases useEskal Tea Biscuits)

1 tin of Condensed Milk

3/4 cup of Desiccated Coconut (80g)

250g Butter

Lemon Zest from 1 Lemon Juice of 1 – 2 Lemons (depending on how lemony you want it)


2 tablespoons of butter (soft)

500g icing sugar

Extra lemon zest (if desired)

Lemon Juice (enough to make the icing into a paste)

Extra Desiccated Coconut for topping

Slice Method

1. Line slice tin with baking paper. (25cm by 35cm)

2. Crush biscuits into a fine crumb in the food processor.

3. Melt Butter.

4. In a large bowl combine all ingredients and mix well.

Combined and ready to press into the tin.

5. Press into prepared tin cover with icing and sprinkle with coconut while icing is still wet.

6. Place into the fridge for 4 – 5 hours until completely cold.

7. Cut, Eat!

70 small pieces, so you don’t feel guilty about having a few 🙂

NB This slice freezes really well!

Icing Method

1. Beat butter and sugar until well combined

2. Add Lemon Juice to make into a paste

3. Spread over prepared slice and sprinkle with coconut while still wet.


This recipe was made in the TM31, but can be made in the TM5 on manual

1. Line slice tin with baking paper (25cm by 35cm).

2. Put Biscuits into mixing bowl and mill 20 – 30 seconds/speed 9until a fine crumb and set aside.

3. Without cleaning the bowl add butter and melt 2 minutes/Varoma/speed 2.

4. Add all other ingredients to the mixing bowl (including reserve biscuit crumbs).

5. Mix ingredient 1-2 minute/speed 4 or until well combined Don’t worry if it isn’t completely combined as it works in when you press into the slice tin.

6.Press into prepared tin cover with icing and sprinkle with coconut while icing is still wet.

No Bake Lemon Slice (Thermomix Method Included) - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (6)

Smooth icing ready to spread.

7. Cut, Eat!

NB This slice freezes really well!


40gButter (soft)

500g Sugar

Lemon Peel

Lemon Juice (enough to make the icing into a paste)

Extra Desiccated Coconut for topping

Ready to cut and eat.

Icing Method

1. Place lemon peel and sugar into the mixing bowl and mill 10 seconds/speed 9.

2. Add soft butter and mix 30 seconds/speed 7.

3. Gradually add Lemon Juice (speed 7) 1 tablespoon at a time through the measuring cup holeuntil you get the right constancy, about 3 tablespoons.

4.Spread over prepared slice and sprinkle with coconut while still wet.

One slice is never enough!

NB. If you would like the icing to be really smooth and glossy, when you have finished spreading it, go over with a hot knife, before putting on coconut, it just looks a bit more professional. When I am at home, I like the rusticlook!

I hope you enjoy the slice and please leave a comment at the end of the post and let me know what you think 🙂

Enjoy Irresponsibly! (well maybe not too much, if you have that sort of will power!)

Liz xx

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No Bake Lemon Slice (Thermomix Method Included) - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (15)No Bake Lemon Slice (Thermomix Method Included) - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (16)

Elizabeth Connolly

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I have been cooking since I can remember. I am a Thermomix consultant, so now (whenever possible) try to give you Conventional AND Thermomix methods for the recipes. I like to share tips on how to save money and how making food from scratch isn't really that hard (especially with a Thermomix). If you have any questions about the Thermomix or cooking/food in general please email me as I'm happy to chat.
Liz xx
P.S Don't forget to subscribe to receive your 3 free e-Books.

No Bake Lemon Slice (Thermomix Method Included) - Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.